The 1.27 National Network is a group of independent “bridge ministries” committed to serving children and families involved in the foster care system by connecting them with the local church. Each ministry in the network is uniquely structured and engaged to meet opportunities surrounding foster care in their home communities.
1.27 National Network ministries meet 6 criteria:
1.27 National Network ministries meet 6 criteria:
- Believe in a church-based, holistic approach to safety, well-being and permanence for children which includes family preservation, reunification, foster care, kinship care and adoption
- Serve as a bridge (not an agency) for multi-church collaboration with the local foster care system
- Recruit foster/adoptive families through local churches
- Promote support for foster and adoptive families through local churches
- Resource churches, families and individuals to respond to James 1:27
- Believe in The Apostle’s Creed as a common statement of faith
Common Mission.
Our job is to be the bridge between local churches and local foster care so that Christians can follow the call set out for us in James 1.27.
“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” -James 1.27 (NIV)
“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” -James 1.27 (NIV)
“So helpful to know I'm not in this alone…”
Chris Seaton, Executive Director of Project Belong, VA
“So helpful to know I'm not in this alone…”
Chris Seaton, Executive Director of Project Belong, VA
Topic-Based Cohorts
In order to train and serve more member organizations’ staff, we offer short-term, topic-based cohorts. These are intended to apply topic-specific issues to bridge ministry work, trainings bridge ministry staff wouldn’t be able to receive anywhere else. Some of the cohorts are book studies intended to apply to all staff working for member organizations. Groups meet three times virtually with facilitated group discussion. Other cohorts are more specific to an area of need for member organizations and include outside experts with planned takeaways for organizations to implement when completed. These are not intended for all staff of member organizations, but those responsible for a given area of work.
In-Person Events
Though our member organizations are spread around the country, we make an effort to gather in person a few times a year to continue relationship building, organic idea sharing, and receive training. The 1.27 National Network hosts an annual dinner during the CAFO Summit for member organizations to connect within the larger event. We also host an annual executive retreat for those in charge of making organizational-wide decisions for member bridge ministries. These events are meant to include spiritual renewal, fun, and relationship building. Attendees use words like “ready”, “rested”, and “empowered” to describe how they return home after our events to continue their work.
One-on-One Coaching
As individual leaders face decisions they often need a neutral, yet supportive sounding board for how to approach leadership roadblocks. The 1.27 National Network offers layers of support for this. The National Network Director also offers continued one-on-one support to members. This involves supporting leaders of established ministries, and coaching emerging ministry leaders as they step into bridge ministry work in their local communities. Everything from topic-specific reading, to resources for board members, to strategies on growing local church networks are covered in these types of one-on-one meetings. Leaders know they have a cheerleader and resource in the 1.27 National Network Director.
“I've now been in two book studies with the 1.27 National Network and each one altered my world. The first brought priority of abiding with God in others in a Christian leadership community. The next will forever influence how I gather and care for guests. I end up growing relationships around the country and leave feeling more personally and collectively hopeful for our shared missions.”
-Paul Hemminger, Coalition of Care, Ohio
-Paul Hemminger, Coalition of Care, Ohio
The 1.27 National Network was started in 2014 in order to support the development and growth of new bridge ministries and promote idea sharing among emerging bridge ministries around the country. Many organizations have been coached as they’ve started and launched into bridge ministry work, while others have been working in their communities and joined the network to share knowledge and support.
Today Alexandra Kuykendall serves as the 1.27 National Network Director. She brings her years of experience in parachurch ministry and leadership development to the group as well as writing and speaking on topics of the Christian call to love our neighbors. If you are interested in learning more about what it means to be part of the 1.27 National Network you can email Alex directly at [email protected]. |